I'm Pro-Polygamy

Sunday is a big night. First we have The Sopranos. Too good to be true. Next we have, Big Love. I am not sure about the show but Lisa loves it. It basically is about a guy who is a polygamist with three wives. They live in three houses next to each other with a common back yard. He owns a Home Depot style store. The kicker is that he came from a commune style place that is still led by a creepy guy named Roman and played by Harry Dean Stanton. The Roman character is too scary for me and so I am not sure about the whole deal.
Now here is the genius part. The polygamy is the least weird part of the show. As a matter of fact it actually seems kind of normal. Now all of this got me thinking. Why is polygamy illegal? Other than imposing financial and social control over people I am not really sure I get it. Now frankly multiple wives are not really what I need but...
So I would like to come out on the Pro-Polygamy side.
To keep Lisa amused I have come up with a new Polygamy game. What you do is try and come up with sets of three spouses. Each set should be designed to create the least enjoyable situation possible. Realize that it is not enough to select the three most annoying people you know, but rather to select the three people who will TOGETHER create the least tolerable environment. Go ahead try it. You can use famous people, people you know, dead people or any combination.
Jason has outdone himself. He has assembled a Team for the Relay for Life. This team is going to walk all day and night starting on this Friday to raise money for the American Cancer Society. Somepeople just don't know when to stop. You can check out his Team and even donate by clicking the Relay For Life link on the right. I will walk with them between 4am and 6am. Why 4am?---Well, the bars have to close sometime and I need a cover story before going home!!!!!
Are you crazy???? Can you imagine the catfights? I gaurantee you one thing. You could never, never keep them all happy. My wife gets kind of crazy when we have house guests. I could never imagine her sharing me.
Polygamous men have to deal with impossible situations on a daily basis. Why do you think most polygamous men end up being millionaires. They learn to overcome the "impossible" daily.
Polygamy was made illegal because early Americans were morally outraged by the practice. Polygamy remains illegal because in many polygamous situations welfare abuse is rampant. 2nd, 3rd, 4th and so on wives are only "spiritual wives" not legal wives, so they can receive welfare, medical and food stamps because to the government they appear to be single moms. In FLDS situations, welfare abuse is not just ok, but encouraged - it's "milking the cow".
For a comprehensive look at the situation (though moderately biased), John Krakauer's Under The Banner of Heaven is great.
I can't wait for the next Big Love season!
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