I'm a Four Sport Man

Up at 7am---onto the bike and trainer for a short warm up ride (Sport One)
Accross the "health plex" to the strength division and off with shoulder rehab, legs and abs (Sport Two)
8am--Hit the pavement for an short endurance zone run with cadence checks (Sport Three)
12 noon---It's 63 degrees, maybe it will rain---The perfect time to go skiing in Indiana. Well, let me explain. First we try to get Christopher out skiing once a week and the rest of the weekend looks like even more of a bust. So we will take the snow as we find it. Second, Lisa has not been out skiing for four years. She is now about eight months out from her transplant. She has been training pretty hard the past couple of weeks. So when she says, "let's go", --we go. (Sport Four)
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