Back in the Saddle Again

The old blog has been dull for a time. Not much to say but now I think is a good time to re-activate.
For all of our TeamBigWave donors we promised a few suprises this year. So here's one fer ya.
End of this month, I will be attempting the Ironman distance race at Louisville. Seemed like a good way to celebrate Lisa's successful treatment three years ago.
I have been in training for about 9 months now and I must say that I have left myself a little short. My hope was to have enough training to guarentee a slow time but a finish for sure. I left myself holding on for dear life and will need a near perfect race and a little luck to complete the race in around 17-18 hours.
To review: The swim is 2.4 miles in the Ohio River--I know --THE OHIO RIVER. Next we move onto a 112 mile bike. The course itself is beautiful but an absolute monster with several thousand feet of climbing. Finally a marathon through the streets of Louisville. Oh did I mention that UK and U Louisville decided to play a football game on the very same day and right on the course.
More about all of this over the next month.
You're the man! I'm so impressed you are attempting this major feat. Good luck with your training. I will be attending a Team in Training meeting next week for a possible attempt at another 1/2 marathon in Phoenix next January. We'll have to see how the old joints repond. Hugs to Lisa and the boys!
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