Sunday, August 24, 2008

The Madness Must End

I am coming down the homestretch. Only one week left to go. Very little to do now except to watch the weather ( Worst possibilities in order are 1)Rain --Cannot go fast on the downhills 2)Wind--Generally sucks the big wazoo 3)Heat--Expected but you never know.

Today was planned a three hour bike ride. At this point that qualifies as a spin around the block. But I have gotten a little sick and was also on call and so one thing led to another. So now three hour bike ride. But how to make up the training? How about three laps around the block with the kids on their bikes?--Seems like an equivalent effort to me.

At this point it is about execution and not more training.


Blogger Unknown said...

Best of luck out there this weekend! Looks like Mother Nature will be cooperating.

1:21 PM  

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