Monday, August 11, 2008

Crunch Time

There are really only two things that I excel in related to triathlon. The first is carbo loading--enough said.

The second is the taper---What is the taper?

As you get close to an event , training is dramatically reduced in the hope that your fitness will show up and come along with fresh legs. the first time most triathletes have had fresh legs in about 9 months. So we are just about ready to hit the taper but not before a 13 hour week including a 6 hour bike session attacking the hills and a 2 hour run this weekend.

I could use a taper since this long training is gettint old. If I run a perfect race, I will just be able to finish under 17 hours. If I make any mistakes, no finish. If no finish, back to the drawing board for next year. I do not want to do that---so my crass motivation is to get out of this insane training,

Sunday I rode about 80 miles and then ran for an hour. As the bike nears its end fatigue is so enormous and nothing can make it stop.


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