Better off Dead
I went to the insurance guy this week. Just a general policy check-up. I was mostly looking to increase my disability coverage. So on LIFE insurance I am good. On DISABILITY--not so good.
What does all this have to do with training? Well, if I am out on a run and you happen to run over me in your Ford Valdez, check in your rear view mirror. If you see a limb moving, back over me a couple of times. You see, I can afford to be dead but I cannot afford to be injured.
Got in a mile swim. Actually 1500 meters. It is way easier to calculate distance in a metric pool. 30 Laps-- break it up into three 10s.
Went for a bike ride, in between giant downpours, but technical difficulty cut it short.
7 weeks to go for St. Anthony's. The temps are headed up. The ski slope is closed. Time to knuckle down (Actually it is always time to knuckle down).
What does all this have to do with training? Well, if I am out on a run and you happen to run over me in your Ford Valdez, check in your rear view mirror. If you see a limb moving, back over me a couple of times. You see, I can afford to be dead but I cannot afford to be injured.
Got in a mile swim. Actually 1500 meters. It is way easier to calculate distance in a metric pool. 30 Laps-- break it up into three 10s.
Went for a bike ride, in between giant downpours, but technical difficulty cut it short.
7 weeks to go for St. Anthony's. The temps are headed up. The ski slope is closed. Time to knuckle down (Actually it is always time to knuckle down).
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