Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Try Harder

Just finished the last serious practice before St. Anthonyt's this Sunday. But more about that later.

Tonight I met our honored patient, Joshua. Each Team in Training Team has a patient that we race in honor of. Joshua is about five years old and is currently getting 2-3 YEARS of chemo for Leukemia. He just came off a round of Chemo. So we had a good time riding a bikes inside the store. By the way, he is a total scream. Perspective.

We were at the bike store and meeting Joshua in order to have our last team meeting before the race. We also had to pack up our bikes for shipping. To ship a bike you take the pedals off and place the bike on a truck. The pedals you carry with you. OK, so what is TSA going to do with 15 people carrying helmets, cleats and bike pedals--trying to board US Air to Florida?

Today is the aniversary of Lisa's transplant. Better this year than last. When you get a transplant the infusion makes the patient smell like creamed corn. So no corn for dinner today.

Yesterday I had a difficult workout set. I went out to do it and got stopped short. I think my very rare asthma kicked up a little. Went back at it tonight and was able to get in an 1:10 interval run and 1:00 swim. Now it is time to to pull back and get ready to race.

I am the only guy on the Team in Training team. A major topic tonight was whether the other members were or were not going to pee in their wetsuits during the swim. OK so I don't need to think about that one too much.


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