Thursday, December 21, 2006

Lisa is Outstanding in Her Field

I feel my comedic talents are being underappreciated. Let me explain and you decide.

The other day I pulled off a joke. Lisa had a routine appointment at the doctor's office. She actually forgot her original appointment a week earlier which is a great sign--We now have the luxury of forgetting.

So she went to her new appointment. I was working nearby and decided to suprise her by being there--We now have the luxury of not needing me to translate medical talk. There is no need to translate, "You're fine! Get out of here".

So I showed up ahead of her and sat in the waiting room. She was a little late because she was sending me a paging voicemail from the parking lot (Remember she thinks I am somewhere else) with some additional Christmas suggestions.
So she walks in and signs in. Remember this is an oncology office with all kinds of oncology things around including the obligatory, "help complete a puzzle " table. So she turns around and the first thing she sees is me, listening to her voicemail and shaking my head, NO , in a modified cartoonish nature.

I thought this was brilliant but Lisa thought it was only moderately funny. My contention is that Lisa has grown too accustomed to my jokes and is now taking them for granted.

My case

1)Joke required set up and planning
2)Joke was a "sight gag"--generally recognized as one of the highest level of joke
3)Pulled off a joke in an oncologist's office without getting thrown out
4)Used Lisa's own action, the voicemail, as part of the punchline
5)Joke was a new variation on the classic , "husband turning down wife's request to spend more money" genre.

You be the judge.


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