Monday, January 15, 2007

This Land is Your Land

I am getting in a groove. Over the last couple of days I hit the folllowing workouts

1)5 am Hill run
2)Super strength workout
3)Hour and a half bike with follow up run
4) Mile and a half swim
5)Hour and a half bike while on call

In short I think we are off and running and with only about 14 weeks until St. Anthony's I need to be on the move.

But I really came to talk about , "This Land is Your Land". It's Lisa's birthday and I took her along with a couple of friends to see Lyle Lovett, John Hiatt, Joe Ely and Guy Clark (who just finished treatment for Lymphoma). Great, great show. They finished with the above mentioned song. The Woody Guhtrie classic meant as a response to the tin pan alley created and cynically manipulative , "God Bless America". Beautiful night and it made me think, We're in the "This Land is Your Land" camp.

Friday, January 12, 2007

What is TeamBigWave?

Today I was asked a question by a lady named Alana. The question, "What is TeamBigWave" ?

Ok Good question.

Three years ago I was planning to do my first Tri race at St. Anthony's with Team in Training. Then Lisa got sick again and had to undergo a stem cell transplant. So I dropped out of the race.

Then a great thing happened. Buddy Hammerman offered to "take my place" and ride with TNT in the 100 mile America's Most Beautiful Bike Ride. And ride he did. The ride really impacted him and since that time he has been riding non stop including last years Lance Armstrong ride in Philly.

So I got the idea. If we could encourage other folks to do the same thing, lots of good stuff would happen. Even folks who did not race themselves might feel better hearing about our exploits---Oh yea, maybe they would kick in cash as well.

Our goals: 1)Encourage people to do Team in Training events. 2)Encourage people to do other charity endurance events 3)Create a positive vibe.

Right now we have five athletes heading to St. Anthony's and over the past few years we have raised around 45K. Not bad for a day at the office.

That's who we are. Are you one of us?

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

New Year's Day

Here is a kick in the teeth. I went to bed at 10:30 on 12/31/06. No alcohol , light dinner and two Stewart's orange sodas. The goal was a great start to 2007 training. An early start to get ready for a great season.
So up at 5am and running.

Running dowstairs to hurl. A GI bug from the kid's party on Saturday? Undercooked meat from dinner on Friday?

A very weak start. What does the rest of the year hold?