The Sun Shines Bright on My Old Kentucky Home

things looked so promising after the swim. I headed off onto the bike and within 20 Miles I knew something was wrong. Work not hard yet but Heart Rate too high and too soon. The first 14 miles are about flat before heading into the rural areas. On my best day I can make it through this section in about 1:05. Today I go there in 1:20 and with a way greater effort.
I am a pretty negative person. So give me a bad situation and I can make it worse. The only thought in my head ,"I am not going to make it" , "How do I drop out?" and , of course, "Does this suit make me look fat?"
Things got worse and around mile 38 I started to write the speech I would give the kids--Sometimes you do not make but you still gotta try, it wasn't my day, the journey not the destination--I even visuilized what room I would do it in and where i would it them. This is not typically recomended as a winning attitude. Only one part of my mental strategy worked--here it is---I normally get one part of a really bad song in my head and then cannot get it out. For instance, a song like "Baby, One More Time." To defeat this, i made a CD pf a bunch of great songs. On race day the song in my head was "Jesus,etc" by Wilco--score one for me.
I saw the family twice as we passed through LaGrange. By the second loop the fear in their faces was obvious. Of course all of the other racers had gone through and now I was passing through town with tumbleweeds. Struggling and struggling.
I got to the last 33 miles which is a straight shot back to Louisville. Now the challeneges are multiplying--Heat rising, two stops have run out of water (and the Baptist churches running the spots are unable to summon miracles), riders are literally lying in ditches on both sides of the rode ( 9.5 % of folks would not finish the race).
I am planning what happens when I get plucked from the race since you have to be off the bike by a certain time or they pull you. A slightly strange thing then happened--I hit the easier part of the course and started to make a little time.
Now i am pedaling faster and trying to make some hay. I head back into to Louisville along the river. Now I am faced with the cruel reality that no force is going to pluck me from the race--They will let me continue--I hate a choice like this. Lisa and the kids are glad to see me and are now fully aware of the bad position we are in. Frankly, they are suprised I am not returning in a medical van
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