Thursday, August 28, 2008

Heading Down to Louisville

I am just now heading down to Louisville. Triathlon is a whole big production and Ironman is like the Oscars. I have gear for three sports plus special food and back gear and sunscreen and chamois creme (dont ask)

A few things:

1) I looked up the last finisher under 17 hours, a certain Mr. Seale. I can do all of his times. The question is , "Can I do them back to back to back in the hot sun"?

2)I generally pay no attention to the weather but at this point I check the forecast every hour. Good Stuff--no rain, low humidity, temps not around 100 Bad Stuff---Big Sun, Temps around 90====all in all a fair deal and I will take it. Water temp not known but we anticipate a NON wetsuit swim

3)Andrew took me out for a training run today with him on the bike. He thinks I can finish but if not we can come back and try another day

There is still time to donate--just email me at


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