Saturday, August 30, 2008

Its Fun Until Someone Puts and Eye Out

I really want to finish the Ironman. Reasons:

1)The other day I was driving down to Louisville and i got passed by a car with a Tri bike on the back. The car was obviuosly heading to Lousiville for the race. I started to cry---just a little---because, well because I was doing the same thing. I used to go to events like this and thing the people in them were so cool and I could never do that etc. Now here I am doing it. But it only, really works if I finish the race. Its one thong to be a goofy,funny, slow last place finisher. It is another thing to be goofy, funny , slow and Not Finish---The punch line only works if I finish.

2)This is the three year aniversary of Lisa's transplant. There were four times during that period that I thought I had lost her. Others have not made it in a similar time frame. So this is a celebration not of the the impossible but of the difficult. But the celebration only,really works if I finish.

3)Training for this stuff is really a pain in the neck. If I fail to finish, I will feel compelled to come back and try again. I can avoid Ironman training next year only if I finish.

4)I have what most people would call a "big mouth". So lots of people know that I am doing this race. That means that I am going to be asked a thousand times, "did you finish?"--I can answer yes only if I finish.

5)I think chicks dig this sort of thing, but only if I finish


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