Bury My Shoulder at Swollen Knee

Above is a little picture of our Team in Training at Wheeliefun in Lebanon, Ohio post practice.
Gwen came to practice but I missed her. It sounds like her knee is really acting up and may require some real attention. I will check with her on Monday and help if I can.
My own shoulder has not gotten completely better. I believe it was injured lifting Christopher onto the ski lift. Since it is not totally better--it's off to sports medicine we go. On Monday, I head back to see Ed at Wellington Ortho. Last time I saw him it was for three year old knee pain. The knee pain was severe and hurt everytime I tried to run. Ed examined my knee. Told me there was nothing wrong. And without any other treatment or therapy, it has not hurt since. Now that is the power of persuasion.
Still had a good week of training though. Met all my targets and goals except a little weak on complying with sports nutrition. 13 weeks to go until St. Anthony's and I will really have to start cranking.
Heard from Maggi and Dale along with Carol and Nelson this week. Thanks!
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