Tuesday, March 20, 2007


A lot of triathlon training is actually about what you do when you are not training. This weekend I really put out a large effort and pushed myself in terms of time pretty hard. Now, it was not necessarily easy and it did not feel great at the time.

Monday is my typical day off so Tuesday I was back at it with an hour and a half run followed by an hour of weights. Funny thing--I seemed to do better today.

High stress followed by rest equals better performance. Sounds like a good guide for life.


Blogger MJ said...

It's interesting what we triathletes call "rest". We were finishing up a swim workout yesterday when a friend said to me "Now all I have to do is a 45 minute run."

This was her "rest" day in preparation for IMAZ.

11:22 AM  
Blogger BigWaveTom said...

Have a great race in Boston. I used to watch the race at the top of Heartbreak Hill (80-85). I went to Boston College.
Still one of the greatest sporting events. Such an achievement

8:46 PM  

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