Thursday, April 12, 2007

Dr. Freud says, "Triathlon"

An article was posted on the Leukemia and Lymphoma website this week ( ) . Basically it says that depression is actually much higher in the spouses of transplant recipients than in the patients themselves.

That was not much of an issue for me because I basically come pre-depressed. I am sort of a half empty glass kind of guy. So when the hammer comes down I have nowhere to go since I am already lurking at the bottom.

Given this I suspect triathlon became my Prozac. It gave us a way to deflect the bad stuff and in a sense achieve the goal of turning a bad thing into a good thing.

That was all fine and good but now Lisa is better. As a sign that she is better, I did not purchase health related trip insurance for our upcoming trip. Now its tme to start racing not as a way to defeat a negative but rather as a way to create a positive.

2 weeks to St. Anthony's. What will I make of the chance?


Blogger alex said...

Some of the jests to which we have listened are not new to me, though I dare say you may not have heard them often before...

5:10 PM  

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