Wednesday, May 16, 2007

But First, Tri for Joe

Two weeks after St. Anthony's and one week after the Flying Pig half marathon, I am back for serious training. My focus now will be to get ready for the half ironman in August.
But first we head down to Coney Island (the one in Cincinnati) for Tri for Joe. This race benefits the Down Syndrome society and last year had about 500 participants.
Lucinda, accross the street, is involved and tells me that 400 have signed up so far.
The race starts with a .4 miles swim in this giant pool. The water was just put in and is running around 60 degrees. So my big question is whether to wear a wetsuit or not

Pro--Warmer during the swim
Con--Takes time to get off after the swim

Time vs Comfort? which way to go?

Monday, May 07, 2007

This is what its all about

I got asked to be on the board of The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society today. As you may know TeamInTraining is one of the major fundraising arms for the society.
This is a big deal to me since it represents the sum total of everything that we have ben working on for the last 44 years.
Oh, yea, by the way, these guys think there is a reasonable chance that we can substantially diminish mortality from these diseases in the not too distant future.
Do you think I can train during board meetings?

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Half Marathon--Early prison release

Today I headed out to do the Flying Pig Half Marathon. But before I tell you about the whole deal, we need to discuss early prison release.

After the race I took the two boys to see a Reds game. Basically that means half of an inning of baseball watching, 4 innings of food procurement and 3 innings of walking around. We went to the giant jungle jim that they have near right field. the kids had a great time. There was another father there with his kids and both of them were having a great time. On dad's ankle--a little house arrest transponder. Easily visible because his shorts only came down to his calves. Now, I am no fashion plate but with temps around 70 degrees I would think that full length bell bottoms would have been the way to go.

Oh, yea the race.

First I got 5 am messages from Sarah and Mary Ellen and a call the night before from David, still hot off last weeks 2nd place finish at St. Anthony's. But I woke up a little late and was kind of thinking about bagging it. I did, however, manage to drag myself out where I found a guy urinating on our front lawn. Probably, just a late night but I felt the need to hang around until he left--Headline--"Family kidnapped while father completes only part of a marathon".

Down to the start line and was sort of cold.

Tri vs Marathon

1)Marthon start is really more of a shuffle--Tri start is all out insanity

Off we go and after a while some space cleared and we headed over to Kentucky (No Queen) and then back into Cincy at about the 4 mile mark.

Worst prepared

1)The band consisting of 14-16 year old guys who were just setting up to play at mile three when I ran by. If I am running by there cannot be many people behind me

We headed back through Cincy and then up a giant hill that goes on for several miles before droping us off in Walnut Hills. Once there we headed back down the hill towards the finish line. On the way down we saw the very end of the back heading up the hill.

Elements in the back of a Marathon

1)Bus for stragglers
3)Port a Potty carrying truck
4)Tanker truck to suck stuff out of porta pottys

remind me not to get so slow that I am at the back of the pack

So we headed back down the hill and I was able to pick up a little steam. My goal was a 10 minute pace but I could only muster a 10:38 pace getting me back in 2:19 for 13.1 miles.

Right at the finish line, there was David. The boy could not resist and he even brought me a shirt---Now thats TeamBigWave

Not a bad outing--esp since the goal was just to get experience and to start getting ready for the August 19th--Great Buckeye Challenge--Half Iron Distance (1.2 mile swim, 56 mile bike and 13.1 mile run)----At least there are no hills on the run

Juli Marshall--Hero

At last week's St. Anthony's triathlon a 48 year old mother of four and TeamInTraining member , Juli Marshall-Illinois, was pulled from the water and put on life support.

She, sadly, passed away late last week.

I did not know her but I know that because of her efforts my wife is alive. This was at least her second TNT event and at this event a significant increase in research funding was announced. The money to finance such an effort does not grow on trees. It comes from people like Ms. Marshall who go out a make a real difference.

My sympathy goes out to her family. My gratitude goes out to Juli Marshall, hero.