Monday, May 07, 2007

This is what its all about

I got asked to be on the board of The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society today. As you may know TeamInTraining is one of the major fundraising arms for the society.
This is a big deal to me since it represents the sum total of everything that we have ben working on for the last 44 years.
Oh, yea, by the way, these guys think there is a reasonable chance that we can substantially diminish mortality from these diseases in the not too distant future.
Do you think I can train during board meetings?


Blogger chungclan said...

That's great, about the Board of the society. Remember the golden rule of Boards: never volunteer for anything until 2 people are looking directly at you. Not 1, not 2. Talk about a chance to really contribute to MEDICINE!

10:13 PM  

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