Monday, July 17, 2006

A Few Random Thoughts

Whenever a column writer lacks original ideas, they usually pull out the old, "A few thoughts" type of column. I hate those things. Better off to just leave the space blank.

And now, a few random thoughts:

1)Today I was geting my haircut and a lady was checking out. At the checkout, they tick off her services, "....haircut, nails, bikini wax....". And I think, "Maybe a little too much information".

2)My new Tri racing suit arrived today. Translated super tight Lycra on a big fat guy. Now my wife has to comment on the site of me in this get-up. "Fits good" she says. Could any woman be that blind? And then I realize I had to buy a new motor for the house airconditioning today ----97 degrees----It works this way----I buy new motor, she lies about my looks

3)I have decided to replace Pepsi with Diet Mountain Dew---Rad


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