Friday, July 21, 2006

One Day

We tend to think that life is long. We tend to think that we will be defined by the totality of our lives. But sometimes our whole lives can be defined by what we do on one day, in on instance.

Remember Rudy Guiliani? No not that Guiliani, but the original one. The one that was a complete knucklehead. But I don't remember that one. I remember the one who held the country together while George was flying all over creation.

Remember the story of Al Campanis? A long career, including participating in the arrival of Jackie Robinson. That career eclipsed by 10 minutes of stupid comments. Comments out of character with the rest of his life.

Which brings me to Floyd Landis. A great bike rider. On one day and with one fantastic performance he joined the highest of the high. He went from great to legendary.

Will yo be ready for your moment? Will you recognize that it is your moment? Are you prepared for your moment?

Hit the bike pretty hard today. 2 weeks to the East Fork Tri.


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