To understand the meltdown at St. Anthony's, you first need to understand that I was successful before the race even started. The night before the race I went to the TNT dinner with Lisa and the rest of the Southern Ohio Team. Now exactly a year ago Lisa was not at a dinner party but rather sitting in a transplant unit with very few blood elements in her veins---Victory One. We also learned that well over a million dollars was raised from this event alone--Victory Two.
To understand the "Meltdown" I will begin in the middle. Around mile two on the run I was passed by a woman---Who had ONE LEG. At the same time a second woman was gaining on me--a woman with CEREBRAL PALSY. All of this was an improvement over my race start.
The weather was beautiful--unless one was planning to swim in Tampa Bay. In Tampa Bay there were decent winds and sea swells the size of Volkswagons. Really dangerous swim conditions. Still I felt great and we had actually practiced on Saturday without a wetsuit. Granted conditions then were bad and not awful but still.... Sunday I felt great again and was totally psyched to start. The horn goes off and into the water. A few hundred yards and something is very wrong. I cannot do this. The waves are too big and I am not strong enough. I spend the first leg of the race figuring out how I can get pulled from the water while making up new swim strokes. I am incapable of swimming freestyle.
But I never get pulled from the water. I think about how Lisa suffered and was scared and maybe I should be scared too and suffer a little--not the same thing, I know. But an attempt to understand. So I kind of just kept moving with various fake strokes and ultimately make it. Getting up the swim stairs is difficult by itself with the waves crashing in. I check my time and realize that my watch is gone---my really good watch--knocked off by the waves. Lisa tells me later that I just shook my head --NO NO NO and ran to the bike. 60 people are pulled from the water and 3 get mouth to mouth, or so I was told.
As an aside I should also mention that I do not approve of the above story. One man's story of heroic struggle is another man's story of being ill prepared. I have spent the last 8 months trying to be prepared. But I think I let myself down a little. But remember, I had a great race even before the horn started.
Coming out of the swim, I had a few thoughts. First was that my original race plan of going all out was not the right thing for today. Second, was to complete a respectable bike and run and to try to help others have a good time.
So my bike was a little slower than I planned, my heart rate was about 8 beats lower than I planned but I encouraged every rider and said hi to every cop. The run was in control and and I put all my paper cups in their proper trash container. I did notice the woman running in a bikini and cowboy hat. A sighting that was confirmed by several others. I asked a cop to arrest my for speeding. Most importantly, I took off my hat and sunglasses and smiled for the finish line picture.
At the finish line Lisa had to feed me and get my Gatorade and water. I was to tired to stay late at the party. Actually, it looked like a great place to pick up girls, If I were not a)Elderly b)Married c)Developing Cold Sweats.
Now one technical issue. My swim time in the official results section is wrong. By plugging my correct time in, I move from last up to seventh to last. In some ways, being last would actually make for a better story.
So I went home and had to jump under the covers. I then started to cough up nasty stuff. This means that I have one of two entities. Either a pneumonitis from swallowing too much seawater or pneumonia that would have explained my poor performance. I'm betting on the seawater but we wil see in a couple of days.
So what did you do Sunday?