Tuesday, January 31, 2006

60 Sit-Ups

I was pretty impressed with myself today. Took call last night. Worked on my shoulder this morning. Completed an hour of strength training before work. Did some recruiting for work. Got home and rode the bike for an hour and 10 minutes.
Not too bad.

Of course my wife informed she now runs over a mile at a low heart rate, she is going back to personal trainer Anne at the hardcore gym, Power 3 Fitness and she did sixty sit-ups.

Now which one of us had the bone marrow transplant?

Monday, January 30, 2006

Corporate Sponsors

Right off the bat let's note that we now have corporate sponsorship. The great Kathy Avers, noted endurance athlete herself, tossed a little cash our way. That alone is great but she also included a check from St. John Associates, the great firm in the cool city of Bloomington, IN.

I can see it now---corporate sponsorship=private planes to and from events, big cocktail parties with those giant shrimp, exclusive concerts by slightly over the hill R and B groups and , of course, bowls of M and Ms with the yellow ones removed just like any good rock group. Thank you St. John for supporting me in the manner to which I have become acustomed.

I did have my shoulder looked at today. Something worng with the joint--the phrase "moth eaten appearance" was tossed about. So an injection and we are back to work. Gwen is up next.

Sunday, January 29, 2006

German Mardi Gras

A little picture of Lisa and Julie at the German Mardi Gras--did I mention the free Schnapps?

We went last night to the Black Forest in Pisgah, Ohio. Which by the way, has the largest dance floor in Pisgah.

Anyways, I wasn't sure I wanted to go but it worked out great. So, should we chill out or workout when we need to escape the doldrums?

Bury My Shoulder at Swollen Knee

Above is a little picture of our Team in Training at Wheeliefun in Lebanon, Ohio post practice.

Gwen came to practice but I missed her. It sounds like her knee is really acting up and may require some real attention. I will check with her on Monday and help if I can.

My own shoulder has not gotten completely better. I believe it was injured lifting Christopher onto the ski lift. Since it is not totally better--it's off to sports medicine we go. On Monday, I head back to see Ed at Wellington Ortho. Last time I saw him it was for three year old knee pain. The knee pain was severe and hurt everytime I tried to run. Ed examined my knee. Told me there was nothing wrong. And without any other treatment or therapy, it has not hurt since. Now that is the power of persuasion.

Still had a good week of training though. Met all my targets and goals except a little weak on complying with sports nutrition. 13 weeks to go until St. Anthony's and I will really have to start cranking.

Heard from Maggi and Dale along with Carol and Nelson this week. Thanks!

Monday, January 23, 2006

May I have another, Sir?

So this weekend was double practice for Team in Training. A little on Saturday and a little on Sunday. I missed both due to family activities but I did get in my own workouts. That's not the issue, however.

I spoke to Gwen. She made it to both workouts. Both were killers. But that's so bad, right? Sometimes it's good to get a taste of what you are up against. What matters is how you respond to the stress and whether you get a break from it or not. Acute stress makes us stronger. Chronic stress knocks everything down.

So enjoy your acute stress while you have it.

Saturday, January 21, 2006


Here is a picture of my and Andrew after a run.
Today--Play the ball where it lands.
Disadvantage--Ride planned but lots of water on the ground
Plan--Ride indoors, do shoulder rehab and crunches
Advantage--All done by 8 am

Thanks to Jason who donated cash unsolicited. I am going to match his donation and give it to Gwen. Double your fun.
Jason's mother is involved in a big controversy. You see I posted a picture of her a couple of entries down. I thought it really captured her enthusiasm and energy.
The Controversy--Some Possible sweat noted on the dress!!!
Don't they realize that triathletes think that is great. We call it crosstraining and will be imitating it soon. The only question---What Heart Rate was she dancing at?

Friday, January 20, 2006

I'm a Four Sport Man

Up at 7am---onto the bike and trainer for a short warm up ride (Sport One)
Accross the "health plex" to the strength division and off with shoulder rehab, legs and abs (Sport Two)

8am--Hit the pavement for an short endurance zone run with cadence checks (Sport Three)

12 noon---It's 63 degrees, maybe it will rain---The perfect time to go skiing in Indiana. Well, let me explain. First we try to get Christopher out skiing once a week and the rest of the weekend looks like even more of a bust. So we will take the snow as we find it. Second, Lisa has not been out skiing for four years. She is now about eight months out from her transplant. She has been training pretty hard the past couple of weeks. So when she says, "let's go", --we go. (Sport Four)

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Say hello to my little friends

So above is me, Buddy and Renea after the Chicago tri.

I skipped my run workout on Monday because it was Lisa's birthday. Instead we went for Indian at Cumin--ok not so great for training. My plan today was--hit the club for a low level indoor run and then get home and hop on the bike trainer before eating dinner. So here come my two little friends--Christopher (4) and Andrew (2). Glad to have the energy but their favorite toys are the giant Swiss Ball and the Foam roller. While I pedal, those two are flying around the room. I just have to hold my cadence when one of them hits the spokes. I got the workout in and they got their "exercise" as well.

Our friend Gwen who is going to St. Anthony's went to get her new bike. Bob at WheelieFun is obsessive so he spent two hours working on the fit before deciding a hacksaw was needed (a Hacksaw???) ans some more work. Bottom line--no bike home yet.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

A Little Extra for Sunday

I knew I had a picture of Jan in my files. Here it is. A little extra blog for Sunday.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Donations, Donations

So Jan Chipman came up to me Friday and wanted to donate to our cause. How great is that? Out of the blue she comes and volunteers without asking. You cannot beat that with a stick. Gwen is also thinking about her fundraising for St. Anthony's. She wanted a little help setting up her website, so I set up my own as a test. The link is listed on the side.
I am on call this weekend so training is a little choppy. I did get a little work done to help my shoulder out. Seems like it will get better but probably no swimming next week. I did get in a 50 minute bike trainer ride--Not too bad.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006


I thought I would include the above photo of my "HealthPlex". It has all the makings of a champion's lair---strewn clothes,bike trainer,stereo and laundry baskets. Similar to the Olympic training facility in Colorado.
So tonight was going to be my first serious swim workout. But left shoulder pain has persisted so I visited the physical therapist. Fortunately I got to see the great, Ellen Daly. Bottom line--she does not think it is too bad but no swimming for a week or so. A couple of exercises including back, shoulder and abs. It also turns out I walk wrong--who knew?
Not only do I have to learn to swim, bike and run but I also have to learn to walk.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Off and Swimming and Biking and Running

Thought I would include a picture of the kids and Lisa to get things going. So practice started today and tomarrow begins heavy duty training.
First of all, Gwen has decided to join our adventure to St. Anthony's tri. Today was her very first practice and her swimming looks good. Unfortunately, she forgot her helmet so no biking bu we did finish up with a run (of sorts). Pretty impressive start.
Of course last year I had to swim in the "slow lane". But this year, I thought I would grauate for sure. Geuss what? Talent level is up this year so I remain with the flotation devices around my arms.
Finally, my donations have started to come in for The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. What a boost to see how much people care.
I will let you know how training goes this week. Also stay tuned for a tour of my custom workout room (Not!).

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Whine of the Week

We are just about ready to begin hard core practice. The team actually meets this Sunday for a Swim-Bike-Run fest.
Now both of my shoulders are killing me. I cannot tell if it is related to one of the medicines I take or if it a set of simultaneous injuries. Not sure where I could have injured myself except for lifting my son on and off the ski lift.
Now I will have to decide how much to work through the discomfort. It's kind of like that in life, "When has the pain passed the point of being acceptable"? I suspect the pain is passed acceptable when it no longer will lead you to your goal. Great Philosophically but I am not sure that helps me in the swim Sunday.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Let's get cracking

Now that was the story for last year. But this is this year.
Time to get moving towards our new goals. First to raise money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Second to encourage others and to have fun at endurance events.
Well many donors have already sent in pledges towards my goal and you will have the chance to read about them here. In addition several other people have committed to events and fundraising. You will also hear their stories here.
But first steps first.
I cleaned out my basement office. Without a clean office you have no room for exercise gear. Without exercise gear it is hard to train in the winter. So now we are set up and pointed towards our goal of St. Anthony's Tri in April. Tonight's plan is for a one hour ride---indoors.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Lumbering in Chicago

So the run in my Chicago triathlon was not so pretty. First of all, running after biking is really hard. Running after biking , after swimming is super hard. Finally, running after biking after swimming after hosting a three hour lunch for your friends at Spiaggia on Michigan Avenue when you are a big , fat pig to begin with is just epically crazy.
Because my wave started late in the day, it was almost afternoon by the time my run started. Did I mention that I was very slow? Did I also mention that this run is down by the Field Museum, on concrete and without shade.
A total gut it out performance. A couple of interesting things happened.

1)My coach, the great Bob Duncan of www.wheeliefun.com was out of the back stretch to cheer me on.
2)My friend J. Michael Smith passed me on his way back
3)A guy collapsed due to apparent hyperthermia
4)Buddy and Renea, Buddy having recently completed the Tahoe Century ride, were out there to cheer me on.
5)I actually gained a little strength right before the finish line.
6)Right near the end I was passed by the pros including Karen Smyers
7)My wife seemed genuinely upbeat for the first time in a year.

So I completed the race. There are very few things you can do, come in twentieth from last and still consider it a victory.

That was the story of how I started to do triathlon, dropped out, started again, watched my wife have a bone marrow transplant, finished a triathlon and now see my wife in remission every day.